Hosted Mastodon instance using Cloudplane and Cloudflare

Despite being aware of Mastodon and following its development since its introduction back in 2015, I never really spent any meaningful time with it. Along with many others, I was motivated to change this as for so many reasons including but certainly not limited to Elon Musk’s capricious “leadership” of Twitter.

I initially signed up with an account on, the “first-party” instance that’s run by the service’s founder. After poking around a bit, I decided I’d prefer to run my own instance that maybe some friends and family could share if they were interested. After reading over the requirements and officially-supported architectures for the image, and looking into options for self-hosting either on my home lab or in some IaaS provider, I decided that this was a case where I’d prefer to have a host. If friends or family wanted to use it, I didn’t want to be on the hook for keeping it running during or after power outages, etc. Looking for servers and primary administration outside of the US, I found Cloudplane. Reasonably priced for a “small” instance, which is probably all I need.

Cloudplane makes it fairly easy, although the documentation is sparse. During their signup, they seemed to indicate that the name server the customer uses must support root-level CNAMEs or aliases, and they seemed to recommend Cloudfront1. After a little more discovery, I learned that the root-level CNAME/alias requirement only applies if you intend for the root of your domain to point to the Cloudplane-hosted Mastodon instance. In my case, where I intended to use as the name of the domain, but use Mastodon’s local_domain and web_domain features to make handles as

Thus, once the new Cloudplane instance was deployed, I added as the local_domain, and as the Cloudplane-labeled “Custom Domain”2. Cloudplane informs you of the DNS records to configure - in my case just a CNAME.

[Update] Since I’m using a subdomain and Cloudplane’s proxy for seucrity features, I also had to set up a root-domain txt record. The same record displayed if I typed “” into the web domain field.

There’s one more step to take care of: Cloudflare defaults to unencrypted backend connections, and Cloudplane requires encryption. I solved this by creating a Cloudflare configuration rule to capture all requests for the host, and setting the SSL encryption mode to Full. I also overrode the defaults for my account to SSL encryptions mode - Full (Strict).

The rule expression in my case was:

 ( eq “”)

Then scroll down to the “SSL (optional)” section and choose “Full”.

Once configured in Cloudflare and propagated, I could access my hosted instance at the name I preferred.

The last step is enabling the well-known redirect per Mastodon’s documentation:

To install Mastodon on in such a way it can serve @[email protected], set LOCAL_DOMAIN to and WEB_DOMAIN to This also requires additional configuration on the server hosting to redirect or proxy requests to to For instance, with nginx, the configuration could look like the following:

 location /.well-known/webfinger {    
  add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin ‘*’;     
  return 301$request_uri;      

In Cloudflare, this is accomplished with a Redirect rule. Note that the check mark at the bottom to preserve query parameters is checked. That’s important.

  1. I’d been looking for an excuse to play with Cloudfront’s services for a while, so this seemed like the stars aligning. ↩︎

  2. Which seems to map to web_domain described in Mastodon’s docs. ↩︎

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